Essential to the core of individual performance, talent retention, corporate stamina and ultimately employee citizenship behaviours lies Wholeness better know as holism. Coaching is a platform to affirm and re-discover one’s passion, vision and calling. Furthermore coaching addresses challenges with the ultimate purpose to re-establish individuals to take their rightful positions to make a difference within the workplace.
My approach is to engage in meaningful dialogue with the individual, being constantly mindful of the impact of the intervention on the client, the system and the community.
As a coach I will therefore act as:
- A provider of expert information
- A diagnostician and prescriber of remedies
- A process consultant whose focus is on helping the individual to help him/herself.
The holistic coaching process also addresses:
- Emotional or relationship challenges which often lead to behaviour challenges in the workplace
- Guided decision-making with developmental support to assist individuals through personal or organisational change and transformation
When should you come for coaching?
Coaching is often initiated when a need for change prompts individuals to revisit personal and career goals. Coaching equips talented individuals to adapt to the changes that the business world require, and ensure that they are ready to push the organisation to the next level of development.
Coaching success stories showed that the seeds of change already exist when an individual embarks on a coaching journey. To tap into the personal and business potential of individuals and to assist them to break through self-imposed limitations, are often the most important functions of the coach. The true coach is rather an enabler of discretion than someone with the answer to all questions and problems.
Leadership, team and personal coaching services include:
- Enhance development of one’s emotional intelligence (EQ)
- Spiritual intelligence
- Dealing with personal challenges
- Preparation for a specific leadership role
- Re-defining one’s calling and vision
- Identification of Changes in a new season or direction
Registrations as a Coach:
- Xpand Executive Leadership coach through Xpand (an International organisation)
- Registered facilitator of the Xpand Authentic Leadership and Xpand Talent and Skills assessment tools
- My-E-learning coach for emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, leadership, relationship intelligence, time management and personal planning, as well as team development
- Accredited as a DISC Persolog
- Registered Trainer