Personal Growth & Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
My flagship programme is this personal
growth process also coined as: Dynamic Intra-
Change Agents. The programme basically focuses at facilitating the
internalisation of emotional intelligence amongst individuals or teams.
The programme which is based on a two to
three day intra-personal and interpersonal growth journey can be attended by
Teams or Individuals. This process also
forms the basis for my leadership development interventions.
Day 1
- Understanding vision and the importance of vision for organisations and individuals
- The individual and team’s responsibility towards organisational, vision, mission and strategy
- Principles of a personal vision and a wholeness
- Alignment of the organisational vision with personal vision principles
- Dealing with Conditioning and the unlimited and unexplored potential of the Human Brain
- Management of change
- Personal mastery and the integration of Emotional Intelligence( EQ), self-empowerment and accountability principles
- Integrating the Q processes: EQ, IQ Value Intelligence, Physical Intelligence and Relationship Intelligence into a journey towards holism (wholeness)
- Managing values, belief systems, ethics and diversity in the work environment
Day 2-3
- Stress management principles
- Relationship management and effective communication with internal and external customers
- Developing of effective boundaries and assertiveness techniques
- Conflict management styles and assertiveness skills
- Problem-solving and decision-making principles
- Personal and team performance improvement principles
- Team and individual commitments
Intervention Methodology
My methodology is interactive and experiential and facilitated in a relaxing environment. I use fun-filled activities, case-studies, role-plays, self-assessments, behaviour modeling and videos to ensure that theory, practice and reflexive competence are embedded. Role-plays and case-studies are customised to ensure identification with current work circumstances, and the integration of organisational vision and strategy. This customisation enhances behaviour modification where required.
The theory is
based on well-known and thoroughly researched principles and models developed
by Elizabeth Kubler Ross, Victor Frankl, Dr Susan Jeffers, Kiessler, S. Tearle,
Gary Zukav and William Goldberg, Daniel Pink, Jim Collins, Paul Donners
(xpand), Hester Verwey and Stephen Covey. These models were developed to ensure
the understanding and internalisation of the theories:
“A model is like an academic coat rack to hang theories”- S P Robbins