Leadership Development & Coaching
The leadership development programmes take cognisance of the challenges on different levels within an organisation and blends real South African challenges with global best practices, to ensure your ultimate development journey.
Spiritual Leadership
Leaders are everywhere ready to be equipped to take their positions as Kings in the Workplace.
Personal Growth and Emotional Intelligence
An intra- and interpersonal growth journey… The personal growth flagship programme is also coined as: Dynamic Intra- Change Agents.
The programme focuses on facilitating the internalisation of emotional intelligence (EQ) amongst individuals or teams.
I fully believe in the calling to ultimately be prepared to leave a legacy.
“To every man there comes in his lifetime that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered a chance to do a very special thing, unique to him and fitted to his talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for the work which will be his finest hour.”
– Winston Churchill
Team Interventions & Development
I enjoy working closely with team leaders to create custom made team development interventions – based on an holistic approach and aligned with the organisation’s vision and/or strategy.
Break Away: Vision and Calling Revealed
Myself and my husband own a small luxury self -catering apartment on a golf estate on the beach in Strand, Cape Town, RSA.
Whether you utilise the time to play golf, spend time on the beach or visit the winelands… you will experience this as a time of restoration.
Essential to the core of individual performance, talent retention, corporate stamina and ultimately employee citizenship behaviours lies Wholeness better know as holism. Coaching is a platform to affirm and re-discover one’s passion, vision and calling.
Every person is unique and, depending on the situation and environment, prefers a specific behavioural style. Although people feel most comfortable when they can use their own behavioral style, people will inevitably experience discomfort and awkwardness when they are around people who have a different style from their own.
Assessor, Facilitator, Moderation and Curriculum Design Services
As an avid student of Leadership and Management for the past twenty years, combined with my exposure as an ETD Practitioner, I can offer expert facilitator, assessor, moderator, curriculum and course design services to accredited learning and development institutions.
Assessment Methodologies
- DISC / Persolog Style Analaysis
- Psychometric Assessments (This can also include the Xpand Authentic Leadership and Xpand Talent and Skills assessment tools)
- 360 Degree Assessments
- Analysis of Organisational Data
- Leadership and Talent Management: Pre and Post Intervention Assessments
- Team Assessments
I’d love to hear from you…
Get in touch and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Looking forward to hear from you!